Mind-Body, Birth

Fearless Birth Starts Here

Mind-Body, Birth™️ is a research-backed, accessible, and inclusive approach to fearless birth. With Mind-Body, Birth, you will learn:

    • Why childbirth is painful and how to reduce that pain

    • The barriers that get in the way of an awesome birth experience

    • Traditional and non-traditional ways to improve your birth experience

    • How to build your birth toolkit so you have everything you need to birth better.

You can get started right now

Mind-Body, Birth The Book

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Being pregnant for the second time has brought a lot of fear as someone who did not have a positive experience during my first labor. The Mind-Body, Birth Signature Course…was exactly what I needed to feel confident in myself and my body. Dr. Sam Vaive is truly compassionate and knowledgeable.

I feel much more prepared to labor, and my support people feel a ton more confident in their ability to help me through the process…I feel much more empowered to advocate for my needs and much more educated on what those needs are. Thank you Sam!!